For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens. This is why you must take up the full armor of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take your stand.Ephesians 6:12-13
Saturday, December 10, 2011
"SOAP" Bible Study Method - Luke 3
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Sunday School All Week long
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Unanswered Prayers
Friday, November 25, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
10 days post radiation!
Wow! Neck looked so much better here! This was about the time I started feeling the worst though. Thankfully my neck had healed and I didn't have to worry with treating it as I suffered through the worst of the radiation side effects. I told my boss on a wednesday "I've pushed as far as I can. I'm going home and I'll be back when I am well. For 3 days I thought I was going to die. I have NEVER been so tired in ALL my life. My whole body ached with exaustion.
After that weekend, I came back to work and worked half a day on Monday. Then I worked a little longer each day until I made it q full day that Thursday.
8 days post radiation
Monday, September 19, 2011
God Will Not Give Us More Than We Can Bear
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Fwd: Rad burn. 5 days out
Just letting you know where I am in this. The edges are healing, the middle still has lots of blisters and peeling skin. Inside my throat feels like this looks.
Will be over soon though!
Sent from my iPhone
Fwd: Rad burn. 5 days out
From: Kris Williams <>
Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 4:00 PM
Subject: Fwd: Rad burn. 5 days out
To: In The Battle <>
From: Kris Williams <>
Date: Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 2:31 PM
Subject: Rad burn. 5 days out
To: Baker Thompson <>
Just letting you know where I am in this. The edges are healing, the middle still has lots of blisters and peeling skin. Inside my throat feels like this looks. Will be over soon though!
Having WHINE with my cheese!!!
Date: Tue, Aug 30, 2011 at 2:51 PM
Subject: cry baby cry baby... Suck your thumb.
Email to family and friends
Fwd: 3dys post radiation
UGH!!! Looking for something to soothe this mess. Sticks to my pillow at night. Hurts so bad it wakes me up! I HATE this.
I know it could be worse, as SO many people are quick to assure me. I HAVE seen worse at the institute. Still, thinking about how much worse it could be does not change how bad it is.
Fwd: Radiation burn
Starting to hurt. Wondering how much worse it will get. Starting to peel in the sides and under my chin. I cannot hurts. Still, compared to all the other ladies I've met at the cancer institute, I have NOTHING to whine about! I'm probably never going to eat broccoli and cheese soup ever again after this is done, but it has allowed me to eat and keep my weight steady and I like it.
So many of the patients are really really sick. I don't feel bad. I really feel pretty good. My neck and throat just hurt.
Fwd: New haircut
Decided to go ahead and get my haircut. Not sure how bad the radiation will be, but feel like this is as good a time as any to try out a new look. Its so much easier then trying to straighten my long hair.
#18 is today!!!!
Radiation is going well...or at least better for me than most of the people I have met at the Cancer Institute.
Finally wore Dr Caudell down and broke through the "professional" barrier yesterday! Super excited about that! Up to now, I have felt like a name at the top of a check list. Until yesterday, he came in, checked off his list, and said "See ya next week".
He said that singing in the choir will be a long shot, but that he anticipates me having a speaking voice that is suitable for clear phone conversation. Super super super excited about that...and we'll see about singing in the choir.
Taking Loratab every 6 hours or so for pain. Eating really soft stuff...without a lot of salt or spice... and have upped my caffeine intake to fight the unbelievable fatigue. The fatigue has been the worst part. I have never been so TIRED!
I asked how he will know that the radiation worked. He said that they will check by looking in my throat starting 2 months after radiation is over to determine if the cancer is gone. This is what we have been doing all along. Still not totally sold on this answer, but didn't want to push my luck. I will address it again later.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
What I've learned about me
Much has happened in my life and I am a different person than I was when I faced this 2 years ago. Maybe not so much different as I am much more of the same. I believe more than ever that things are either of God or of Satan. I am more solidified in my faith than ever before. I believe more than ever that spiritual warfare is very real. I believe more than ever that Satan is prowling around like a lion looking for devour. I believe more than ever that Satan will use whatever and whomever he can to wreak havoc on God's people. I believe with every fiber of my being that my battle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers and principalities of this dark world. I declared war on Satan a year or so ago. Took a stand and declared that I am NOT afraid of him or his minions. I even joked that this was possibly not a good idea. I believe that Satan has me in his sights and would be lying if I denied that he has wounded me severely, but I can honestly and truthfully tell you that I still am not afraid. I am even more excited than ever to be in the battle. God is sovereign. He is in control. Looking back now, I can see that God Himself prepared me for this 2nd battle with cancer. I trust Him more than ever. I believe His ways are best especially when I really do not understand what He is doing. Again and again, He has carried me through things that I thought I would literally kill me, but in the end these things have brought me great joy because they deepened my relationship with my Savior. My heart has ached more than I thought possible, but God was there all along holding on to me. God is good and loving and always knows what I NEED. God is merciful and gracious to me. He has not left me alone. I trust Him completely and know that He will use all these things to bring Glory to Himself and can confidently tell you that I am perfectly okay.
If you ever knew me, you knew that I wanted more than anything to be used by God. That is still my greatest desire and has only been multiplied over the past 6 months. I serve God. That's what I do. Many do not understand, but I love Him and have gladly surrendered my whole life to Him. If He can use me better when I have cancer, then I am glad to have it. I am finally beginning to grasp what Paul meant when he said that everything else is rubbish compared to knowing Christ. More than ever, there is nothing I want more than to let others witness this Awesome God I serve and to see how much He loves His children. He alone is the only thing I cannot bear to lose. Jesus said that in this world there WILL be trouble, but HE is with us always. I have learned to lean heavily on this promise. Though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear NO evil. Not because I'm all brave and stuff, but because GOD's rod and HIS staff comfort me. So, I'm good. I really am. I'm sick... no denying that. I am grieving the loss of Nanny- the most amazing Christian woman I have ever known. I dread how sick the radiation will make me and I hate that my family has to go through this. But I am not struggling and I am not worried. I am really truthfully honestly okay.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Catching up
My Nan went to heaven on the following Sunday after a successful surgery on her carotid artery the day before. Can't talk about that yet. Don't want to get upset before I go to work today. I left here and went home Sunday afternoon ( July 10) and stayed in Tennessee until the following Saturday. We buried Nan on Wednesday the 13th. On Saturday (the 16th??) I drove on into KY and went to my other Grandmother's 90th birthday celebration. Spent the night there and came home Sunday afternoon.
Sometime while I was in TN I talked to Trey and he said that the PET scan did not show cancer in my lymph nodes or anywhere else other than my voice box! Super excited about that!
While I was home with my mom, hubs and the kids went to east tn to go white water rafting. They got home Monday. So we were uneventful for 2 days. Today is Thursday. I start radiation today at 4:15. Left my phone at home yesterday so I missed the phone call and did not get the message until later last night. Will find out exactly how many treatments we're going to do and hopefully a few more details today. I really thought we wouldn't start til Monday, but the hubs thought it would be this week. Guess he wins this time!
That's all I've got for now. Need to get ready for work.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Below the surface
On the surface, everything is so very uneventful. I found out that I can get my radiation where ever I choose. That's good...but I don;t know how to choose. So, I'm praying about it and asking God to guide me to the right place. Maybe it doesn't matter, but what if it does? I just don;t want my throat burned up. I want as little damage to the good parts of my neck as possible. I also want someone who can help me understand all of the side effects and who can explain the risk of getting a seconfary cancer from the radiation against the benefit of the radiation.
Most of all, I need someone to explain to me why I have this cancer again. I absolutely do not smoke or drink and those are the primary causes of it. If no one knows why it came back, then how do we know it won't come back again...maybe that's another reason for the radiation.
Maybe this battle will be one I fight for the rest of my life. Had no idea that I'd be here again.
So, on the surface, things are pretty uneventful. There is a lot going on below the surface though. God is working on my heart and preparing me for the rest of this journey.
Its kind of interesting how much the way I view this whole mess affects my attitude. I REALLY believe that God has ALL of this under control. I REALLY believe that He is going to heal me again. Not so sure that I won't find myself right here a third or fourth time, but never the less, I do believe that He will heal me.
When I focus on the cancer and all the "what ifs", I get anxious and aggrivated and frustrated.
When I focus on my family and friends, I get sad.
Wen I focus on the doctors, I get nervous...what if they are wrong, or miss something, or mess up?
BUT when I focus on Christ and all He has done for me and all the ways HE has blessed me and used me...I'm okay. Really okay.
I believe that GOD never fails. I believe that He has a plan and a purpose in ALL things. I believe that He does not give His children more burden than He will help them carry. I believe that He loves me and that He absolutely knows the name of every fear and uncertainty that I have. I also know that HE knows exactly what the outcome of all of this is going to be. I believe that His ways are not mine and His thoughts are not mine....and I don't have to understand what He's doing in order for Him to accomplish His work in me.
We live in a fallen world. Our lives and our bodies bear the scars of the sinful world we live in. Bad things happen. God never fails. Even in the midst of things such as cancer, God is at work. I want to be used by Him. I want my cancer journey to be a testimony to my Father in Heaven. I want my cancer journey to encourage others to know Him more intimately, to trust Him more, to live for Him more. I want those who know me best to witness the effect of God's presence in my life.
Father God,
Thank you so much for this quiet time with you. Thank you for speaking to my heart and reminding me that there are massively amazing things that can come from this. Thank you for reminding me that You have got everything under control and that people I love are watching my relationship with you grow.
Lord, draw me close to you. Give me peace and rest as we walk this road. No one can help me Lord but you. Only you can give me peace and strength and courage. Thank you for surrounding me with incredible friends too numerous to count and for the encouragement they provide.
I love You Lord and I am oh so grateful that you love me.
As Always,
Thursday, June 23, 2011
And the Verdict is....
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Prayers for peace
Still, I have the most bizarre peace. I know God is with me. I know God has already worked all of this out for His glory. I trust Him completely.
So tomorrow the tumor board will make their recommendation.
Please Lord, stay near me and give me strength for what ever they say. Lord I know you already know what they will say. I know that you know what I will need and I trust that you will provide it.
No matter the recommendation tomorrow, there will be relief in knowing that this maddening stage of waiting is over.
Sent from my iPhone
Monday, June 20, 2011
What ever you ask
Monday, March 21, 2011
To know you more
In January, I claimed to want to know Christ more. I questioned what it would be like to know Him in His sufferings. During that time, God expanded my understanding of forgiveness, which Iexpressed in my last post.
Then my world fell apart.
Well, not really. It didn't have to. If I was a mature in my faith as I THOUGHT I was, my world would have been just fine. A little rattled, but fine.
For me to know Christ more, I had to gain a deeper understanding of forgiveness. This is one lesson that I can truly say God intened for me to learn and not something He gave me to teach. This lesson was for me, so that I could know my Lord and Savior on a deeper and more intimate level.
In order to truly understand forgiveness, you must have someone to forgive and something to forgive them for. As in all things, My Father in Heaven knew exactly what I needed, and in His goodness He answered my prayer to know Christ more and has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of Christ's sufferings. Not that I will ever understand what my Savior suffered for me, not that I could endure full knowledge of His sufferings...but my Father allowed me to learn MORE about the nature of my Lord and Savior.
I wish that I had been mature enough to see this at the onset. I wish, when I felt the first sting of betrayal, that I had been able to write "Praise God! He has answered my prayer and has shown me a brief glimpse of the forgiving heart of my Savior!" Sadly, I have spent 5 weeks in absolute misery. I have experienced more anger and resentment and bitterness that I have known in all my 38 years. I have asked God on more than one occasion, "Where are you? Why are you letting this happen to us?"
Last night a sweet precious God sent friend told me "you need to go back and read your blog. It is amazing that GOd spoke to your heart and gave you what you needed before all this happened. He is so good."
SO, this morning I did...and she was right. God gave me a deeper understanding of forgiveness ahead of time...and I find it especially touching that He was kind enough to speak to my heart these very words...
I have been on the receiving end of true forgiveness and I have decided that there is possibly no sweeter gift than this. And it is truly a gift. Totally in the control of the giver. I think that maybe there is greater power in forgiveness than there is in punishing someone by holding a grudge. Grudge holding is totally natural, expected, normal. Forgiveness is God-breathed, Biblical, and holy....
So, today, I choose to forgive. Let it go. Treat them as if they had done no wrong.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Forgive and Forget?
I heard something on the radio earlier in the week that stuck with me. The DJs were talking about things people had posted to their FB page. One lady asked how she was supposed to forgive and forget. Said she had the forgive part, but could not understand how she was supposed to forget.
One of the DJs gave the following analogy....
I have a large scar on my arm. It was a terrible cut. I remember the cut. I remember how I got it and I remember how much it hurt at the time. BUT (you could hear her slap her arm) even though I can SEE the scar and it reminds me of the cut, the SCAR does not hurt. When you forgive someone, it no longer causes you pain.
I can totally see that! There have been times when I have WANTED to forgive someone for something, knew i SHOULD forgive them, but every time something reminded me of the person or just hurt (anger hurts too). At that point I knew I had not forgiven, but was at a loss as to what to do to make myself "forgive and forget". The forget part seems to be the problem.
So, I did a little research.....
I can find lots of scripture that tells me to FORGIVE....
"Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven."
Matthew 18:21-22 ESV
"“Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven;"
Luke 6:37 ESV
"For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you,"
Matthew 6:14 ESV
"Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."
Colossians 3:13 ESV
"And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.”"
Mark 11:25 ESV
"Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”"
Luke 17:3-4 ESV
"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32 ESV
And I found scripture about GOD not remembering my sins....
Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more. Hebrews 10:17
I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more. Isaiah 43:25
For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more Hebrews 8:12
Well....I'm not God and I can't find scripture that tells me to forget that someone wronged me. God's word just tells me to forgive them...all of them...for everything that they have done.
Forgiveness is a choice of will. I have to CHOOSE to forgive someone. It does not happen naturally. I wonder if this whole "Forgive and Forget" thing is a tool of the Devil. Hear me out... If I believe that I have to FORGET something in order to have forgiven the person who did that something...well, that messes everything up because I cannot give myself amnesia. I cannot FORCE myself to forget. I don't have a delete button or backspace key. It is in the very nature of my brain to remember things. The whole focus on forgetting also takes the focus off of the forgiving.
Would it not be SOOO much easier to "forgive" someone if you forgot what they did in the first place? Would it not be SOO much easier to just hit the delete button and REALLY not even know that someone had just ripped your heart to shreds? IF we could forget, there would be no need for forgiveness.
So maybe then I MUST remember in order to truly forgive. Maybe the blessing of forgiveness is actually in the fact that I do remember. Go back to the story the DJ told that I mentioned in the beginning of this...
"The scar does not cause me any pain"
She did not forget how the scar got there, did not forget the pain of the injury, did not pretend like it wasn't there. It left a mark on her. Changed her. Hopefully taught her something. BUT THE SCAR DOESN'T HURT. The wound has healed.
I have been on the receiving end of true forgiveness and I have decided that there is possibly no sweeter gift than this. And it is truly a gift. Totally in the control of the giver. I think that maybe there is greater power in forgiveness than there is in punishing someone by holding a grudge. Grudge holding is totally natural, expected, normal. Forgiveness is God-breathed, Biblical, and holy....
I found a quote that said "Forgiveness is giving up my right to hold a grudge".
I like that.
I also found something that said that forgiveness is treating the person as though they had done no wrong.
I like that too.....
Much better than "Forgive and forget".
Perhaps a better phrase would be "I remember and I choose to forgive you anyway"
Just a thought.
Have a great weekend!
Friday, January 14, 2011
To know You
So, I think I have a firm grasp on verses 8 and 9.
Verse 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ
First of all, I want to know Christ so intimately that every other thing in my life is like garbage in comparison. Like with kids...I LOVE my friends’ kids. They are great....but even though I love them dearly, the love I have for them is nothing compared to the love I have for my own kids. Or better yet, I remember one particular fella that I was “in love” with when I was younger. That “love”, as real and as valuable as it was to me THEN, is like garbage now that I know the love of my husband.
Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, must be like garbage to me compared to what Jesus Christ is to me.
My relationship with my Lord should be so amazing that everything else, no matter how wonderful, pales in comparison.
Oh! I soooo want that!!!!!!
Verse 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in[a] Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.
Hmmmmm.....this moves on from the last verse. The “and” is the key. Consider everything as garbage compared to my relationship with Jesus so that I can be found in Him. How am I found in Him? Be so connected to Him that everything else is like garbage in comparison.
I have some amazingly wonderful relationships in my life. How over the top amazing would it be for my relationship with Jesus to surpass them to such a degree that these relationships seem as garbage?!?!? And is this same thing...this amazing relationship with Christ that makes everything else seem like garbage...also what helps me understand and grasp hold of the faith that leads to righteousness? (Not righteousness through my works, but true righteousness that comes from God)
SO it is really not so difficult after least not this part of the scripture.
Strive to love Jesus to the point that everything else is as in comparison, no matter how great it is.
I guess the bottom line is, and I can totally see this in my own life, that Paul is saying to just get over all the earthly stuff and not be focused on all the “stuff” I do here. Focus rather on my relationship with Christ, on knowing Him more and more deeply.
Now, how to develop that kind of relationship with know Him that way.....
I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
One thing I read about Philippians 3:10-11 said that Paul is simply saying that he wants spiritual intimacy with Christ. Paul knows Christ, but wants to know Him more. The writer goes on to say:
“To achieve this requires a clear vision of where one wants his life to go; dogged, disciplined determination to work toward that end; rigid concentration to avoid becoming distracted; and an unflagging willingness to pay whatever price might be required.”
At first I thought “Uh-oh....this guy is trying to stick ‘works’ in on me” but I don’t think so. It does take focused determination to truly know someone. You DO have to avoid distraction. If you really want it, you DO have to be willing to pay any price required. Okay, so maybe that helped a little.
All the commentaries I found seem to focus on the previous verses about earthly fame being rubbish next to knowing Christ or on the verses 12 and following that speak to pressing forward toward heaven. Of course I WOULD get hung up on the verses that don’t seem to matter much to anyone else! Ha ha ha
I also read somewhere today that Paul is talking about not being able to REALLY know Christ in his (Paul’s) own “righteousness”, but through the righteousness that is from God and that it IS the power of Christ’s resurrection that Paul is seeking and not that Paul is still seeking resurrection.
So, what is the power of Christ’s resurrection?
What I think of as Salvation, of course. Forgiveness of sin. Eternity in Heaven with God Almighty. Being known as a daughter of the Most High. The power of Christ’s resurrection is what I base my whole life on!
I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, 11 and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.
That leaves the following questions.....
How do I participate in His suffering?
If I know the power of His resurrection and participation in His sufferings, then will I become like Him in death? (Which brings me back to “What was He like in death?”)
And I cannot even wrap my brain around “and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.” this afternoon.
Maybe I can find answers tonight or tomorrow.
Father God,
You are so holy. Your power is more than I can grasp. So is your love. I know that there is no way for me to fully understand how much you love me. I love you Lord and I want to grow to the point where I can HONESTLY say that I want to know you more than I want anything else. I still hesitate Lord. I am afraid of what you will require of me. I am still afraid that you will not give me what I want. I’m sorry. I know that this is foolish. I know that what you give me is truly what I need and I know that your plans are not mine and your ways are not mine and that I can;t possibly see the big picture of what you are doing. I do know that what you require is always best. I know that as I grow, my desires change and line up with Your plan for my life. I just don’t think I like these growing pains much...but I know I don’t like this aching in my heart either....and I know that I am aching for a deeper relationship with you.
Thank you for revealing to me that I do understand more than I thought I did about Paul’s thoughts in these verses. Thank you for filling in some of the gaps. I trust that you will open my eyes to more truth as I am ready to understand it. I realize that right now I need to rest on putting you and my relationship with you above all else.
Lord, I do know one thing that still has a crippling hold on me. I do want my voice to be like it was before it got all messed up. I know that I want that more than I want anything and I know that is wrong. I am so very thankful that you healed me and that the only residual I have from all the surgeries and the cancer is a hoarse voice. I am truly grateful. I do see how blessed I am. But Lord, if you healed me from all that, can’t you restore my voice as well? If you will restore it, I will serve you with it. I will.
To everything there is a season and this is my season to....what? get over myself and be obedient? I do trust you Lord. I do. Help me to let go of wanting to sing. I don’t even want to sing in front of anyone...I just want to be able to sing in the car....and maybe in the choir. I do trust you and I know that if I don’t have my voice back, there is a reason. I know that you can use me even if you never restore my voice. I understand that your plan may not include me ever having a pleasant voice again and I also know that I don’t have to understand why. Please help me Lord. Help me to seek more of you so that having my voice back seems like garbage compared to just knowing you.
That’s where I want to be.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I want to know Christ
Several things have been bouncing around in my head the past few days. In Calvin's sermon, he commented on our tendency to begin our statements about what God is doing with the pronoun "I". Hmmmmm. I see that. When asked "How are things going?" or "What's been going on?", I am eager to tell all about the Ladies ministry at Pearson and all about what is going on at Pearson....but I am afraid that most of my sentences DO indeed begin with "I"...or we....or Calvin. (That's my super great preacher/husband for those that don't know).....I am afraid that I start far too few sentences with "God". I guess I can start now...
God is working on me. He has challenged me to the core and I don't suspect that He will be done with me anytime soon. He has humbled me and made me take an honest look at my reasons for doing all sorts of things. God is leading me into a deeper relationship with Him. To be honest, it is a little frightening, but I know that God is trustworthy and that everything He commands is ultimately good....and He is teaching me to trust Him more.
Another thing bouncing around in my brain today is what God told Cain in Genesis 4: Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” Right after that conversation, Cain murdered his brother...really??? Cain was ticked because God showed favor to Able when Able presented his offering, but not to Cain when Cain gave God his offering. He killed his brother because he (Cain) didn't do right! That's just crazy!
Or is it?
I've never killed anyone, but I have sure resented people whose offering seemed better than mine! God asked Cain and Able to give to Him first and give Him their best. If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? Is this much different than God saying "Just do what I tell you to and you will have my favor"? Doesn't matter what anyone else does. Doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Just do what I have called you to do.
And what about the warning...sin crouches at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it. Soooo, I CAN rule over this sin...this pride. It IS possible...but I have to do what is right. In the story of Cain and Able, God was talking about offering their BEST to HIM. How many months have not done ANYTHING because I didn't possess the gift I wanted to offer? Specifically, I do not have my voice back. "I can't teach, I can't sing, so I'm not doin nuthin!" Hmmmmm...I have on more than one occasion even resented those who can teach and those who can sing. Am I so unlike Cain? We both resented someone because they were using their gift well...while we did not use our gifts at all.
wow...Me and Cain....Who'da thought it? Not exactly something I expected to discover.
Thank you Lord for shining light on my sin. Please forgive me for not using the gifts You have given me and forgive me for being jealous and resentful of other people's gifts. Help me to use the gifts YOU have given me to bring YOU glory. Help me focus on what YOU want ME to do rather than on what others are or are not doing. Help me grow in the areas You have set in place for me to minister and serve.
The final thing taking up space in my brain this week is the Scripture Calvin used in his sermon Sunday. It's found in Philippians 3...
I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead. This is where I got my New Year Resolution from. I may be stuck here for a while. There is a lot of stuff before and after these particular verses that I'll have to take into consideration as well. Before these verses, Paul is talking about how all his earthly "fame" is no more than garbage, and after these verses is when he talks about pressing on toward the goal.
The questions currently bouncing around in my brain are things like:
Does Paul want to know what it is like to be resurrected and to participate in Christ's sufferings, or does he want to know the power of these things?
How does Paul suggest to become like Jesus in death? Does he want to be crucified? What was Jesus like in death? What aspect of that can a human "become like"?
If Paul knew that we are promised eternity in heaven, then why does he want to attain the resurrection from the dead? Is he really referring to "dead" as I think of "dead" or is he referring to spiritual death? And if he knew Christ already as Savior, why would he need to attain resurrection from the dead? What am I missing???
If he is referring to spiritual death here, then could he possibly have been focusing on what Christ was LIKE in His death rather than Christ's death earlier in the passage?
These are the things that go round and round (and round and round) in my head.
Lord, help me understand what Paul was talking about. How do I know? I mean, I know that there are commentaries out there to tell me what all these things mean, but they are written by people. How do I know Lord? How do I know what Paul meant? I want to know you and I want to understand what Paul was pressing toward, what he wanted to know, what he was missing, what he was looking for that made him pen these words. Lord, he knew you. He continues to lead people to you even today through the letters he wrote. Did he realize that there was more? Did he feel a longing in his heart for more of you? And if so, would he satisfy that longing in knowing the power of Your resurrection and participation in Your sufferings, becoming like You in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead? And what dead was he seeking resurrection from?
Lord, I am seeking.....
That's all I've got. I'll do some research and see what answers I can find, then I'll be back.
Monday, January 10, 2011
New Years Resolution
Resolve to grow spiritually
Resolve to be a better wife
Resolve to be a better mom
Resolve to lose weight
Resolve to get organized
Resolve to keep my house clean
Resolve to cook dinner every night
Resolve to be on time
Resolve to be a better friend
Resolve to be a better steward of my money
Resolve to be more conscientious and caring
Resolve to listen more and talk less
Resolve to obey the speed limit
Resolve to keep the laundry caught up
Resolve to keep my temper
Resolve to NOT pass judgment
Resolve to see the best in people
Resolve not to assume I know what someone else is thinking (especially my husband)
Resolve to....
UGH! I need a complete and total life overhaul! This is so depressing! I am a MESS! It is overwhelming! So, I have not made a resolution yet....but have spent much time obsessing over my many, many, many shortcomings. These past few weeks have left me exhausted, discouraged, and depressed.
I know, and have known for a while, that what I REALLY need is a SPIRITUAL overhaul. Now, Satan would rather I not acknowledge this. Satan would rather I just wallow in my shortcomings. Satan would rather I just lay down and claim defeat. Satan would rather I just give up and call myself a failure.
I quit writing several months ago. What started as my personal thoughts and feelings about The Battle (Ephesians 6:12-13), became something I never intended for it to be. It naturally morphed into my journal while I was being treated for cancer. That was natural and I believe God guided my words through that. Once I was healed, something terrible happened. I began to write what I thought some reader might need to read. Not at first, and not always, but as time went on, I wrote less and less from my heart and more and more for.....what? Acknowledgment? Praise? Adoration? Some combination of all of the above? Something like that.
Writing for "someone" who might stumble across my blog took all of the enjoyment out of writing and replaced it with pressure.
I stopped writing about what I believe God is doing in my life and started writing about what I thought others needed to let God do in theirs.
I stopped writing about my struggles and started writing about struggles I saw in other people's lives.
It makes me sick really. I guess because I know me. I know my heart and I know that somewhere along the way my heart became all about me. I know that I took a gift that God gave me and tried to use it to bring myself glory. Thankfully, I only became a giant in my own mind. Pride is a terrible thing though, and I lost all the joy I once experienced as I poured my heart out at the keyboard because I became so worried about what "someone" might think of what I wrote. (sigh) I also know that at some point along the way I decided that I couldn't (wouldn't) be used by God unless He restored my voice.....but that is a post for another day.
So, here I am. Back at the keyboard. Humbled in ways I could not have imagined otherwise....and I have settled on a resolution.
It is found in Philippians 3:10-11.....
"I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead."
I want to know Christ.
So, for the next....however long....I'll share this journey. I don't know what this road will bring, but I do know 3 things:
1-this is the road I am absolutely supposed to be traveling right now.
2- the One who knew me even in my mother's womb will be with me every step of the way
3- even though this is between me and Christ, I am supposed to share this journey with you.