I have been chastised by my closest friends for not writing in so long. Don't know why they care..they talk to me everyday. ha ha ha
BUT since it HAS been so long since I have posted anything, I suppose I should put a little blurb on here about....what?
To be honest, things have been a bit overwhelming as of late. December was a whirlwind! Spent New Year's eve over at Christa and Dave's. Even sayed up til midnight. Made no formal resolutions and am still a bit out of sorts over that. I always make dtailed resolutions. Well, evidently, I don't ALWAYS make them. Maybe next year.
Throat is good. Doc S said that it will take a while for my voice to settle in. It has been a year since he told me I had cancer. Seems like forever ago.
God has already put some pretty amazing new women in my life this year. I am anxiously awaiting what He is going to do intheir lives.
Kids are both playng soccer.
Izzy had a stomach virus Sunday night and Monday....terrible! She was sooo sick...snd she is still little enough that she throws up ON me rather than going to the potty to puke.
I have delegated most everything to be done for FLO this year. The only thing I am totally responsible for is Bible Study and I am writing the one we are doing now. That is keeping me pretty occupied. Everything is a potential illustration or teacing point....or new Chapter. It's interesting to me that we all think our problems, pasts, and issues are so very unique. They aren't. I hear the same basic stories in every group I am a part of. I see the same basic personality types in every group I am part of. There are women in every group that are haunted by something they did in their past...and there are women who are bitter, angry, and miserable because of something that was done to them in their past. There always seems to be a drama queen who truly believes that her story is the absolute most tragic ever told and that everything in her life is an emergency. There is a "cool chick" who seems to have it all together and is aloof and stand offish. There is a fixer and a complainer. I think it is interesting because even though God created us all to be unique, there seems to finite number of basic female personalities...all of which can be used positively or negatively depending on the woman. I guess the thing that amazes me the most is seeing women with the same personality type live at opposite ends of the positive/negative curve. Makes me wonder how many women I know who really haven't given up and handed their entire lives over to God. I am sure that I would be devastated by the number, BUT am praying that the number is less every day.
I don't know what else to write about. I do have a lot on my mind and a lot weighing on my heart, but nothing else I really want to write about.