Monday, July 13, 2009


WOW! What a weekend!

We had the VBS Kickoff party on Saturday and our first night of VBS last night. I think we fially got home around 10...and then I couldn't fall asleep....the Boo-mer-rang express was running thru my brain!

We had a blast and I can't wait to see all the kids again tonight!

I LOVE teaching music because i get to see alllllll the kids.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


We "Go All Out" for VBS....I hope that we all spend as much time preparing to share Christ with the children we will meet this week as we have spent on decorating our rooms.
The amount of time and effort we have all spent getting ready for VBS has put the following thought in my mind...
"It is SO much easier to make sure everything looks right than it is to make sure everything IS right"
This is not necessarily applicable to the VBS workers at Pearson, but the hours and hours that were put in getting the rooms decorated made me think of how much time people in general spend in life making sure that everything LOOKS the way we want it to.
Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart (1Samuel 16:7)
Just a thought....