How does unforgiveness make us FEEL? Angry, bitter, ill... it makes me feel... ugly. I don't know how else to describe it. I feel full of hate. I feel mean. Now, if Satan's only goal is to steal, kill, and destroy and Jesus came to give us life and give it abundantly... who do you think is in control when we are eaten up with unforgiveness? Satan is also the Father of Lies and I KNOW all too well the lie he tells when it comes to forgivness. It may sound familiar to you too...
"If you forgive them, you are letting them off the hook."
"If you forgive them, you are saying that what they did was okay."
"If you forgive them, they won't realize how much they hurt you."
I dealt with this extensively years ago. Worst time in my life. I'm sure i wrote about it on here somewhere. My favorite thought from that time was this...
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison expecting it to kill the other person."
Sounds JUST like something Satan would want us to do, doesn't it?