Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday's Tips and Tricks - Celebrating (not surviving) the Holiday Season - The Grocery List

Overt the past few weeks, I have been TRYING to prepare myself for my favorite time of year. I LOVE the holiday season. I love the crispness of fall. I love the littles all dressed up for Halloween. I love Thanksgiving  (and my BDay). I LOVE LOVE LOVE Christmas. I love the promise of a fresh start that the New Year holds.

We have made a plan (What do you wanna do? Who do you wanna see? Where do you wanna go?).
We have made a Christmas Card list.
We have made a gift list.
We have considered what sorts of gifts we will be giving.

This week, I want to consider my menu.

Now, to be fair... I do NOT cook Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners. However, there are several events I attend and am expected to bring a dish of... something.

Now is a good time to get out the old calendar. See what events you will be attending that will require a dish of something. Are there things you can prepare a few weeks in advance and freeze? Make a list.

Now is also a good time to decide if you are going to give any baked gifts. Baking ingredients can be expensive and it works best for me to get them ahead of time. Not only can I break up the cost, but having them on hand allows me to bake at my leisure and not be up all night close to Christmas trying to get it all done.

Once you have a list made of where you will need to take food and of who you will give edible gifts to, make your grocery list. This way you'll have it with you when you go to the grocery. This SHOULD prevent those last minute, late night runs to the grocery because you forgot to pick something up.

November is in just a few days!!!!


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