Thursday, July 5, 2018

Thursday Thoughts on... being overwhelmed

As you can see from many of the tips and tricks I share, I STRUGGLE with getting it all done. I have very high expectations and most of the time fall terribly short. I believe that my house should be spotless (which it never is), my closets and drawers all neatly organized (so so on this one), meals should be  planned out and prepped (working on this - but currently failing miserably), and I should still have time for a bath every night, time to paint my nails and give myself a pedicure and get to bed at a decent hour. Oh! I forgot, work 40 hours a week, enjoy my hobbies of crochet, writing, flower gardening and painting, be active in church (at least Sunday morning, Sunday Night, and Wednesday Night), volunteer in the community, participate in a Pastors' wives ministry, and go to the gym 5 times a week.




I can't get it all done. I have friends who's homes are always in order, kids are in order, everything runs like a well oiled machine while I'm running out the door to work hoping I have all my clothes on! I try to be that mom who has it all together, but no matter how many ways I slice it, I'm just not.

It's not working for me, this whole "try to get it right again this week" and failing... again.

So here's what I'm proposing to myself.

First of all, I'm gonna give myself a break. I'm going to re-evaluate my standards and (gasp) give myself permission to lower them as needed.

I'm gonna look at the things that suck up my time. (I know right off the bat the my cell phone is the number one culprit)  I'm going to reclaim that time for other things. Yes, this starts with putting down the phone. (my heart hurts a bit just thinking about this)

Less screen time will free up some much needed time in each day.

Secondly, I am going to look at the hours I have available to me outside of work and church and figure out what I can realistically accomplish during this time. Here's a small catch.... I can't go without sleep because lack of sleep can bring on depression and goodness knows I don't need that.
So, I need to look at the hours I have outside of work, church, and sleep and see what I can realistically accomplish during that time.

I don't know what that looks like yet, but rest assured I will keep you updated on the process.

I'll leave my Tuesday tips where they are for now and finish out what we're doing there. I think that my next set of Tuesday Tips may very well be a bit less wordy and geared more toward mom's like me who just aren't meant to be "that mom."

I'm just not the fabulous mom who has it all together, and that's okay. It is. Someone has to be ordinary. Might as well be me. 

Much love and big big hugs

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