Thursday, April 16, 2009

a little fever, but don't really even care!

This has been such a great week! We have had over 300 hits to the FLO Blog since yesterday and THAT is super exciting. My older brother has offered to help us promote the site, even though we’re “just girls”-ha ha His “job” is something about web trafficking or something like that that I know NOTHING about. He said he wanted to set up a twitter something for us and I told him the only thing I know about twitter is that the old Owl told Bambi that Thumper was “Twitter Pated”!

We are starting a super amazing Bible Study on the 22nd….Angela Thomas’s “Do You Think I’m Beautiful?” and I can’t wait!!!! You can read an excerpt from the book here : . It is GREAT!

The only “not-so-wonderful” part of this week is that this is the week I always get sick after I have surgery. Not sure why that is and I really don’t like it much. BUT I started coughing yesterday and today am running fever. Par for the course. It won’t last long. I have not had anything serious since my first surgery, when I got Pneumonia. This will pass soon. That is the only negative from this surgery (and I fully expect it to be over by Monday). The pain in my neck is still there, but I am sure there is a logical explanation for it too. I’ll find out on the 24th what Dr S thinks it is from. I e-mailed him yesterday and haven’t heard from him. I am sure if he thought it was anything, he’d have let me know.

Only 4 more “whole” days until I can TALK! I am so excited! I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!
I have my post op appointment with Dr.S on the 24th and am sooo looking forward to a visit where nothing is wrong! No scheduling surgery, not talk of cancer or weird growths in my throat! Just “Hey how ya doin? Fine, and you? Good, How’re the kids?” okay, maybe not THAT relaxed, but definitely better than the visits we have had in the past!

I truly feel like God has opened the doors of heaven and is letting the blessings shower down on me. It feels like everything is right in my little world. What a welcome relief!

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