Friday, June 1, 2018

Get Fit Friday - So... I have choices....who knew?

So next week is my weigh in. 

Things never seem to go as planned. Actually I KNOW this is all up to me. Honestly, I just don't WANT to go to the gym. There. I said it. I don't want to go.


I suppose it's because I'm lazy. Or I'm sabotaging myself. Or I'm lazy. Or I have social anxiety and it freaks me out to go into the gym with a bunch of people that I don't know (or that I do know)... or I'm lazy.

I'm SUPPOSED to be gentle with myself in situations like this. I'm not supposed to call myself names or beat myself down.

Here's the insanity...
I KNOW I will feel better if I go.
I KNOW I will enjoy it if I go.
I KNOW my body will appreciate moving after sitting at my desk all day.
I KNOW my mood will improve with working out.
I KNOW my muscles will appreciate being used.

There is no down side to going to the gym.
Not one.

Okay, maybe one..

There are people there.
And I am worn out by the end of the day.

Okay, maybe 2 reasons.

Neither of them are good reasons tho.

I want going to the gym to just be something I do... like taking a shower or drinking a monster in the morning. I want gym time to be part of my concrete schedule, like my time at the bank or church.

One of the things I discovered that I do not like is "being fat" and yet... I am. So what gives?

It cant POSSIBLY be that hard to switch my mindset from "I want to sleep" to "I want to feed my body good food and work my muscles so that I will be strong and trim."

Somewhere along the way, I lost sight of the fact that I am the one thing I am in control of. I am in complete control (now more than ever) of what I do... or don't do. Somewhere along the way I stopped making proactive choices and started just reacting to my environment.  I think that I have felt so helpless and hopeless in so many areas that I lost sight of the one thing I can actually control... myself. I can control what I do and what I eat. I can control lots more than I have given myself credit for these past... oh, say 20 years.

Thing is, I DO have choices. I am not 4. I DO have a voice and I CAN make choices.

I'm not a victim. I'm not helpless. I don't have to feel hopeless...unless I choose to.

Well now, that IS an unexpected paradigm shift.

Feeling excited,

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