Monday, February 11, 2019

Monday Motivation

This week, don't just store your joy up in your heart. Share it!

The BEST way to share joy is to tell someone why you are thankful for them. Tell the people in your life why you are thankful they are in it! How is your life better because of your spouse, your parents, siblings, relatives, friends, employer, cashier, teacher, coworker, etc.?

Another way to share joy is to point out blessings! These can be HUGE, like an unexpected blessing... like a good medical report that someone thought was going to be really bad. These can also be small and seemingly insignificant, like sunshine, a cool breeze, a short line at wal mart or a hug from a friend. When we notice these things and are thankful for them, they fill us with joy; when we share these with others, we also share that joy!

What would your little part of the world be like if you and the others in it were FILLED with joy?

I want that.

Much love and big big hugs!!!!

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