Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday Thoughts on... fact or opinion?

There are several debatable things that keep popping up in my various news feeds (and even in some face to face conversations) that catch my attention. 

Trump vs. Hillary is still out there... why?
Let's reduce that to (what I hope is the real debate) Republicans vs. Democrats.

Vegan vs. Keto

vaccinate vs. vaccines cause _____ (you fill in the blank)

Home School vs Public School vs Private School

Cow milk or Soy?

And perhaps the greatest debate of all time....

Pepsi vs Coke (Okay... that one isn't still in the media lime light, but it marked my generation, so I am including it.)

No matter the debate subject, I'm learning more and more that I can find data and stats to back up and support any side of any argument. 

If I watch FOX news, Trump is practically Jesus, but if I flip over to CNN, he is most certainly the anti-christ. 

I recently tried to compare the Vegan diet to the Keto diet and gave up. Apparently, they are completely opposite diets, yet both are the best way to become amazingly healthy, while both will absolutely make you ill and quite possibly kill you.

There's no way to get a straight answer to such debates because each side believes so strongly that their way is right.  Add to this, there seems to be NO swaying another's opinion, no matter the data presented. It is almost as if there are no longer "facts," only "opinions."

This is interesting to me for one crucial reason: 

In a society where there are so few absolutes (do we even accept the law of gravity any more?), it is not surprising to me that people have a difficult time accepting, let alone embracing, that Jesus is the only way to heaven. 

Many believe that "a good life" will get them to heaven... with "good" being completely defined by them.

I am of the opinion that Christians live our lives in such a way that we unintentionally make it easy for non-Christians to dismiss Christ. We have, for the most part, reduced Christianity to a list of do's and don'ts, shoulds and shouldn'ts, cans and can'ts. 

Is it any wonder that non-Christians doubt the validity of our claim that Jesus is the answer? I am not so sure we believe it ourselves. Sure, we say it. We know that's what we should believe... but....

Do our lives reflect the love of our Father? Does the grace we've been given flow into our relationships? Do our lives reflect the fact that, without Christ we are all wretched beasts damned for hell, or do our actions and attitudes reflect that we are somehow better and more deserving of grace than someone whose sin is different than our own? Do our lives display the life change that is described in the Bible? Do we glorify Him with our words and deeds, or do we spend our energy glorifying ourselves? 

Will we ever be perfect? No. If we could be perfect, there'd have been no need for Jesus. 

My desire is to live like I believe what I say I believe. I want others to see Jesus in me. I want people who knew me before I followed Christ to see a noticeable difference between who I was then and who I am now. I want the Fruit of the Spirit to characterize my life. 

Jesus radically changed my life. I want people to want to know more about Jesus when they know me... and I want my life to show them that what I tell them about Him is true.

Just my thoughts

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