Friday, September 21, 2018

Get Fit Friday - 100 Day Challenge - Week 5

These past 2 weeks have been... interesting.
I don't really have a specific update so far as my 100 day challenge goes other than to say that this whole process has opened my eyes to many things.

I have presented the following thoughts numerous times in present tense and today I am intentionally using past tense:

I was such a CHICKEN. I was so afraid of failure that I was paralyzed to move forward in anything. I'd been told that I dream too big for so long that I believed it. I believed that if I tried to do the things I dreamed of, I WOULD fail (not "I COULD fail" but rather "I WOULD fail"). I have not taken risks... at all. I have felt that life has been stressful enough without my help (2 bouts of cancer will do that to ya).

I WAS afraid. I was afraid of failure and rejection.

I'm not. I'm not afraid anymore. I made a decision this week. I am moving forward. I am not going to let fear stop me.

Can I challenge you to do the same?
Try... with the expectation of success.  What's the worst that can happen?

This plays right in with the post from earlier this week about obedience. In everything I am doing, I am asking God to bless it. I am asking God to use me in ways that will bring Him glory. I am asking God to give me courage. I am asking God to guide me and direct me in everything. I want everything I do to bring Him glory.

This eliminates the potential to be lured to sin or to be self - serving, for which I am thankful.

"Be brave enough to do what you dream about" is NOT a challenge to do whatever feels good. I do NOT have an "anything goes" attitude.

I believe that obedience to God and patience to trust His timing has benefits.

For me, one of those benefits is having no fear when I am pursuing dreams that are in line with the ways God has gifted me.

So, week 5... my perspective has changed...again. I'm not trying to be "good enough" or trying to overcome...whatever.

Because of my relationship with Christ, I am already good enough.

I'm not perfect and ya know what? I am totally okay with that. I have nothing to prove to anyone. Because of my relationship with Christ Jesus, I already have everything I need. God has gifted me in so many ways. I need not be afraid to use those gifts.

65 Days to go!


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