Friday, August 24, 2018

Get Fit Friday - 100 Day Challenge - Week 1

The hardest thing about the challenge....
Time. Control. Planning.

When planning this thing, I did not take other people into account. I did not consider my family's natural routine, nor did I anticipate situations that are somewhat out of my control.

Okay to be fair, nothing is REALLY ever completely out of my control, BUT there are situations and events where I don't make the rules. haha

In planning out my challenges, I looked at my life as though I am alone in a bubble, with no influence from others. This is, of course, not the case. As much as I like to think that I am a "loner," the fact of the matter is, my life is very much interwoven with the lives of others. Lots of others.

I didn't really realize how many people are in my life until recently...."recently" being defined as "this morning when I started really thinking about all the things that influenced my choices last week."

The hardest things are:
no eating out
gym everyday
burpees (what sadist dreamed up those things anyway?)
Drinking nothing but water (For everyone's safety I have resigned to drinking a cup of coffee each morning)
keeping up with the schedule to get my Bible read in 100 days (that's a lot of scripture each day)

Honestly, It's all hard. I am realizing how unrealistic my "standard" is. This is actually good... I think.  Perry told me from the beginning of our counseling time that I have unrealistic expectations of myself. I suppose this challenge is a glaring neon sign attesting to that. 100 pushups? 10 minute plank? Going to the gym EVERY day? Cooking Dinner EVERY night? NO processed foods? Seriously? What was I thinking???

My "all or nothing" personality is back and in full force right now. I am struggling to enjoy the process of the challenge. I tell myself every day "perfection is not the goal. you are doing fine," and most days I am... but in the middle  of all this I am fighting a bout of depression that is really...tough. It's part of who I am and I realize that.  It is doubly hard to proceed with the challenge when what I really want to do is go home and wrap myself up in a blanket and just stay there for a few days.

This will pass and I will be fine. That's just the way my depression works. One day I will wake up, or be sitting at work, or doing laundry and suddenly the depressive fog will lift and i will be just fine for a while.

I'm not giving up....just realizing that I was unrealistic in my expectations and this is much harder than I anticipated.

93 days to go!

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