Friday, April 27, 2018

Get Fit Friday - What I allow into my life to keep me "healthy"

This is one of those "Get Fit" posts about being emotionally "fit."

I joined a suicide attempt survivors group on FB. I did this simply to observe what others say they are experiencing. I notice lots of discussion about the negatives in life. I notice lots of references to song lyrics that express how someone feels. I notice lots of anger and (obviously) lots and lots of hopelessness.

The reason I did this is because I feel like, if I am going to be part of starting a support group for people like me, I need to get some basic idea of how other people react to life after a failed suicide attempt.

I can relate to many of the things these folks post about and do not offer any "you should" or "why don't you try"  or even "have you thought about" statements.

I am very excited to meet with Michelle for the first time to discuss the group today.

Oh goodness... I completely lost track of my point in all this...

I have learned a few things from observing this FB group....

First, I started listening to music that reflects how i WANT to feel rather than music that reinforces the mood or frame of mind I am already in. I even started listening to Christian comedians and, let me tell you... it feels REALLY good to laugh. Really good. This is possibly the single most significant change I've made in my life this past week.

Before this revelation, I NORMALLY would listen to music that reflected my mood:
If I was Happy, I listened to happy music
If I felt a longing or loneliness, I listened to songs with that theme.
Melancholy... the same.
I don't really experience anger, but if I did.... same.

I realized reading these strangers' posts that my choosing music, movies, etc. that reflect how I feel does something else... it REINFORCES how I feel.

I don't need that kind of negativity in my life!

So there's that.

Have a great weekend!

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