Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday Motivation

 Following up on last week's motivation.

I have made a habit of giving myself an "Atta Girl" when I do a good job. For too many years I waited for someone else to notice and praise my successes. Thing is, no one really knows the effort and sacrifice behind a success. No one better to pat me on the back than myself, because I DO know exactly what it took to achieve whatever it is.

That being said, it is hard to push myself to do what I need to do to accomplish my goals when I don't "feel" like it. There are days I hate going to the gym. There are LOTS of day's I would rather go out to lunch instead of eating left overs.

But I have goals.

It seems like I move closer to attaining those goals when I put in the effort on days I don't "feel" like it.

Working on my goals every day. Not striving for perfection, just striving for better than yesterday.

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