Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday Tips and Tricks - Getting Organized - The Hall Closet

Okay, bathrooms are DONE! yay!!!!

It may take me all week to accomplish this task... the dreaded hall closet... keeper of board games, blankets, craft supplies, puzzles, random chords and plugs that no one knows what to do with, loose photos, newspaper articles, instructions for electronics we no longer own, scrap books, photo albums, and old yearbooks...and my sewing machine...and the air mattress...and who knows what else.

Maybe your hall closet isn't in bad shape. Still, it won't hurt to go through it and purge and organize. (That seems to be the theme this year... "Purge and Organize!")

This is really self explanatory.

Have your trash bag handy as well as something to put donations in.

Now, if you are easily distracted like me (Oh! Baby pictures!), this may be an opportunity for you to make more to-do lists (go through photos, for example). This is not the time for that. We will never get done if we get side-tracked now!

Purge! Purge! Purge!

Once you've purged, THEN you can separate things that need to be looked through in order to organize them. (like baby pictures)

My intention is to clear off a shelf for my sheets (which are now neatly folded and stored in their pillow cases).

2 months and 3 areas complete! Way to go!

Much love and big hugs!

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