Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tuesday’s Tips and Tricks- New Year Resolutions

I’m super excited about the new year. I mean, really excited. I love the whole idea of getting a fresh start. I try to spend some time the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day to evaluate where I am, imagine where I want to be, set some goals to get there, and make some resolutions to help reach those goals.

Here are my tips for making resolutions...

Ask the following questions:
1. What’s really good in my life right now?
2. What is good but needs improvement?
3. What’s a mess and needs to be sorted out?

That takes care of the major things.

Now think about the following areas:
Spiritual- Am I closer to Christ today than I was a year ago?
Mental- Did I learn to do anything new this past year?
Relational- How’s my marriage? My relationship with my kids? Parents? Siblings? Friends?
Physical- Am i in better physical shape than I was last year?
Emotional- (this is new... given what all happened this year... it is needed) Am I emotionally stable?

Consider where you want to be 12 months from now:
How can I improve?
What would improvement look like?
How can improvement be measured?

Then formulate a plan:
What steps do I need to take to be where I want to be in 12 months?

My Resolutions are born out of those steps.

I may resolve to read my Bible 30 minutes each morning so that I start my day focused on Christ.
I may resolve to drink 80 oz of water a day to improve my health.
You get the idea.

Start big and broad.
Gradually narrow it down until you can come up with things you can Resolve to do in 2018 that will improve the areas of your life that you choose.

I’ll share mine when I get them done!
I’d love to know yours too...
You can leave them in the comment section!

Much love and big hugs!

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