Wednesday, July 3, 2024

My Week In Pictures

 Maybe it's mid-life crisis. Maybe it's menopause.'s just life. Whatever "it" is... I'm not a fan.

Seems like I should be done with all this soul searching by now. SEEMS that I should have a solid grasp on who I am and why I'm here by now. I'm almost 52 for goodness sake. You'd THINK I'd have all this figured out by now. 

Maybe life isn't as complicated as I make it out to be. MAYBE I'm just supposed to exist for a certain number of years before I go to heaven. Maybe it's not God's plan for me to make a difference. Maybe my purpose was to raise Brian and Izzy and I'm just supposed to support Calvin the rest of my time here. MAYBE I think too much of myself and my ability to serve Christin any capacity other then to support my family. That would be okay. It would be easier that way. 

WHATEVER is going on with me, I have felt for a long time that I don't "do" anything. I FEEL like I just go to work and go home. So, I started taking pictures of ANYTHING that makes me smile or catches my attention. On Sundays, I'm posting the pictures I took the previous week. I know it's not profound. Maybe it will help me see my life from a different perspective.

We'll see.

Big hugs, 


Saturday, May 18, 2024

This Is Me ... or is it?

 I am participating in a leadership program called SOAR for Women. 

We met on Friday. The session focused on goals and one of our exercises was to set 10 goals then select the one that, if achieved , would most impact our lives. Then we selected one more goal from the list that would greatly impact our lives. We should spend most of our time and energy focused on these tow things.

Another exercise is to create a vision board. This is supposed to reflect my perfect life. I have gotten mine started. We will present them when we meet in Atlanta in June. I titled mine "This Is Me" and chose adjectives that I would like to describe me. They don't, but remember, this is my idea of a perfect me. My adjectives are Courageous, Compassionate, Controlled, Committed, Creative, and Calm. What adjectives would you use to describe your best self?

Over the past 4 months, SOAR has consistently shown me that I am not who I want to be. This month I was reminded that the reason I'm not who I want to be is because I am focused on lots of things that don't contribute to me growing into the person I want to be.

I will share one of the questions that put things in perspective for me.

"If you had $20 million in your bank account and only 10 years to live, what would you do?"

I realized that I am not doing anything to become who I want to be. Did I already say that?

I may share my goals and my thoughts about who I want to be...or I may not. Either way, I won't share it tonight. Just thought I WOULD share the question that sparked me to ask "What am I doing with my life?"

Big Hugs