Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday Thoughts on... today

Y’all..... I’m struggling.

It is early Thursday morning and I am sitting here in absolute amazement at all the many little (and not so little) ways God has reminded me of His presence and of His love for me and those who love Him.

It is too much to process and put into words right now. There are so many things screaming for my attention this morning, I am finding it more difficult than usual to quiet my thoughts long enough to put them in print.

I can’t help but smile thinking about how the past few weeks have played out... and are still. The Tahoe is still in the shop. Brian is struggling with all the responsibilities of being “grown.” Iz still doesn’t want to go to school. Calvin is still stressed with “being a taxi cab.” The Bank’s Executive Retreat starts on the 11th and I have jury duty starting the 8th. My boss has been out of town for a week and comes back today and I still have first of the month reports to complete. I’m putting my art in a craft fair for the first time Saturday. It’s all... life. Crazy. Unpredictable. Uncontrollable. Completely amazing.

And God is right in the middle of it all.
Telling me:
“Be obedient”
“Trust me”
“Be patient”
“I know what’s best”
And while I struggle to be obedient and my faith is weak and goodness knows my patience is thin, I DO believe that God is in control and He knows what’s best.

Thankfully He covers all my shortcomings with a never ending supply of Grace.

All this rambling is simply to say that today I am thankful.

I am thankful that God reminds me to “be obedient” and to trust His plan... even when I cannot see how things will work out.

More than that, I’m thankful that He still covers me with His Grace. I fail constantly and He loves me anyway. I fall for Satan’s schemes, and God picks me up, dusts me off, and sets me back in the right direction.

 Things are crazy. My life is pretty unsettled. I can’t see what the outcome of several situations are gonna be and I am not sure how God is going to heal the ache in my soul for things that are not meant for me.

Still, in the  midst of the chaos, I have peace and am unquestionably thankful for His grace.

Just my thoughts

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