Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Tuesday Tips and Tricks - Getting organized - the bedrooms

Okay, so one of my resolutions is to get my home in order. I have a terrible habit of "stuffing" closets, drawers, and cabinets with the intention of "taking care of that later." Being unorganized and messy really does drive me crazy. Chaos causes me tremendous anxiety.

Still... I've been "stuffing" stuff here and there for TWELVE years!!!!

It is a daunting task to unstuff, clean out, purge, donate, organize and clean all the closets, cabinets, chests, and drawers in my house.

But... It must be done.

Now my normal way to tackle something like this is to take a day off of work (Monday or Friday) and spend the weekend plus that day going through my home like a mad woman.


This isn't really very productive. Sure I can get most of the work done, but by the time I'm through, I don't want to clean ANYTHING...so it quickly gets all messed up again.

This year I am focusing on moderation, relaxing, not getting so worked up over things. So, I'm breaking this whole "clean, purge, and organize everything" down into manageable parts.

For the rest of this month, we'll work on the bedrooms.

This week:
  1. Purge and organize dresser drawers
  2. Purge and organize hanging clothes

Have a trash bag handy and don't over think it!

If it has holes or stains, toss it!

Take those clothes that look nice but no longer fit to Goodwill or some other charity.

Once you're done, upkeep should be easy...
Put away laundry as it comes out of the dryer

We can purge again in 6 months or so!

Much love and big hugs!

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