Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand
Ephesians 6:13
When we mention Spiritual Warfare, it seems that the only things we want to discuss are demons, angels, and The Armor of God. While these certainly are the main topics in Spiritual Warfare, Paul reveals other important things that are just as necessary for us to know. Ephesians 6:13 is contains one of those gems of information.
What is our goal? When we say we are "in battle against Satan", or when we are "experiencing Spiritual Warfare", what is the outcome we are aiming for?
According to Paul, our goal is to stand. Our goal is to WITSTAND and having done all, STAND.
This tells me (and this is only MY personal feeling), a few very important things about Spiritual Warfare:
- This is not a battle for the timid, weak, immature, or semi-committed.
- If our BEST, if what God expects of us, is to simply stand when its all over, then this is serious stuff.
- We are not battling for our salvation.
- Christ took care of that. We are battling for our WITNESS, our TESTIMONY, our INTEGRITY.
- Our goal is to STAND against Satan.
- Resist him and his tactics and protect that which we have been given.
It is important to understand what it is that we are fighting for, and what the desired outcome is to be.
When we become Christians, the Holy Spirit equips us with everything we need. Salvation is a free gift to us, paid for by Jesus Christ. We do not battle Satan for our Salvation. We defend what God has given us. Satan will attack. The day of evil will come. Our job as Christians is to be prepared when that day comes and to stand against whatever Satan attacks us with.
Our goal is that, when each attack is over, we remain standing, having lost none of our witness, integrity, or testimony to Satan.
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